Our Online Casino is serving extra hot fruits for dessert! Reel Kingdom extended the menu of Pragmatic Play with a new and burning fruit-themed videoslot Hot to Burn Hold & Spin. This high volatile game comes on 5 reels, 3 rows, increased paylines of 20 and some crunchy bonus features. Even though the theme is rather classic, the design, however, shows modern and shiny symbols. The symbols on the reels go up in flames whereby they gain more attention on the dark background.
While playing this online slot you’ll notice there’s little sound in the background, which allows you to have peaceful gameplay, while enjoying more of the single effects of each mechanic itself. Overall the game is held very simple in comparison to other online pokies, which finds a huge attraction for many players.
By spinning the reels you’ll find basic Strawberries, Oranges, Watermelons, Plums and Cherries as well as the popular BAR Symbol, an X and the high paying Flaming Seven, which is worth up to x250 your stake when landing five of them on a payline. Besides these classic symbols, you should watch out for the Burning Wild Symbol and the Star Scatters. Wilds appear randomly during any spins and substitute for all symbols except the Money and the Scatter symbols. The Money Symbols come in the form of gems and suns, which can trigger the Hold and Spin Feature, which then can lead to the Big Money Wheel Bonus Feature.
Fact Sheet:
- 5 reels, 3 rows and 20 paylines
- Wilds, Star Scatters, Hold & Spin Feature, Big Money Wheel Bonus
- High Volatility
- Maximum Win: 20,000x your stake
- RTP of 96.70%
- Available on desktop, tablet and smartphones
Hot to Burn Hold & Spin Bonus Features
As mentioned earlier, this new version of the previous Hot and Burn Online Slot comes with two sizzling bonus features and if this fruit fiesta is in your favour one feature can lead to the other to reward you with huge winnings.
Hold and Spin Feature
Next to the standard symbols, you’ll notice the Money Symbols. These come as a diamond and two blazing suns. These can land randomly on any of the five reels and by hitting five or more of these in one spin you’ll trigger the Hold and Spin Feature.
The feature starts with an explosion, which removes all basic symbols and only keeps the Money Symbols locked in position. After that, you are rewarded with four respins, which you can monitor in the bottom part of the slot game. If you land a new Money Symbol anywhere on the reels it will be locked as well and your respin counter resets to four.
When looking closely at the Money Symbols, you can see they all come with a cash value. As soon as your respins end these cash values will be paid out.
Should you be successful in filling up the screen with Money Symbols, you’ll trigger the second Bonus Feature – the Big Money Wheel Bonus Feature.
Big Money Wheel Bonus Feature
By successfully filling all positions on the reels with Money Symbols during the Hold and Spin Feature, you’ll trigger the Big Money Wheel Bonus Feature.
The Money Wheel comprises blank and cash segments, which can bring you huge payouts. These payouts can range between 10 and x50,000 your total stake. As soon as the Wheel appears it spins and should you land on a cash value, you’ll be awarded that amount and are granted another spin. This means, as long as you land on a cash segment, you get to spin more. As soon as you land on a blank segment, the Bonus Feature is over and you’ll receive your payout, which includes your winnings from the Hold and Spin Feature and the Money Wheel.
Details on Payouts and Wagering Limits
The game might be categorised as a classic online slot, but it comes with high payout potential. You can find a rather standard setup. This means, by landing three, four or five of the same symbol on one of the 20 paylines you’ll reach a winning combination.
To customise your gameplay you can set your preferred stake level by using the buttons + and – next to the spin button. The stake levels start at a minimum of $0.20 and can be set to a maximum of $240.00. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to experience every single spin or whether you prefer to simply lean back and watch the reels doing the magic by themselves. The slot game of course comes with an autoplay function, to run between 10 and 1,000 spins automatically. Remember to set yourself limits before starting your auto spins, to always stay in control of your bankroll as well as your losses.
Furthermore, Hot to Burn Hold & Spin is much more volatile than the previous version. However, the game also comes with an above-average RTP of 96,70%. Therefore it’s not surprising to have potential payouts in a single spin of up to x20,000 of your stake.
As you can see, this fruity flambee comes with an even fruitier aftertaste.
Final verdict on Hot to Burn Hold & Spin Video Slot
This online slot is kept very simple without any overcomplicated mechanics, but still has some action to offer. Hot to Burn Hold & Spin is designed to attract its regular crowd by the classic fruit theme, whereas others might miss the extra spices.
However, the two Bonus Features quicken the appetite with their high winning potential, even though some players might feel disappointed by not discovering more slot features.
Overall, the game is as hot as it gets, so make sure you are not burning your fingers on the spin button!